Quick Guide for Busy Parents and Caregivers:
~scroll down for detailed recommendations~
Only the first part, the General Survey, requires all questions to be answered.
Q. 4 - No need to answer for every park, just a minimum of one park
Q. 9 - Rank: Nature / Environmental Impact as first priority - other options also provide important wellness benefits, but only nature also has a positive environmental impact.
Q. 10 - Write in: "We need abundant nature at all our city parks to connect all people with nature, rebuild our native ecosystems, and provide climate change resilience."
You can opt out after the General Survey, or choose to answer questions about a specific park. There are NO required answers for any of the specific parks, but we recommend the following as a minimum:
Select: "Very Important" for Nature Play/Exploration (where applicable)
Write in: "We need abundant nature at this park to connect all people with nature, rebuild our native ecosystems, and provide climate change resilience."
No need to enter any of your information at the end, but at least entering your name may give your answers added weight.
Detailed Recommendations:
We recommend filling out the survey however best conveys your personal priorities, but please also consider the following suggestions for advocating for increased nature at our parks for the community and environmental health benefits, including climate change resilience.
Note that each person in your household can fill out the survey, including kids, and regardless of where they live or work. And please note that caring for children, even at parks and playgrounds, can be considered some of the hardest work of all!
Question 9 - Rank Nature / Environmental Impact as top priority! While the other benefits listed are also very valuable to our well being, only the nature option also provides climate change resilience and rebuilds ecosystems, both critical in our urban area.
Question 10 - Write in: "We need abundant nature at all our city parks in a way that both connects people of all ages to nature, improves our native ecosystems, and provides climate change resilience."
*Also consider adding:
"We need efficient public transportation between all residential areas and our parks."
"The focus should be on native plants to rebuild our ecosystems!"
"Our city needs to consider parks and nature to be essential infrastructure!"
"We need bulletin boards at all parks to strengthen our communities."
"Add fencing around all playgrounds and play areas for increased safety."
"Our city needs to consider parks and nature to be essential infrastructure!"
"We need a nature center on the peninsula - consider purchasing the Chevy's lot for that purpose!"
Note that you can opt out of the survey after the first page. The following recommendations are for the specific parks portion of the survey:
Marina Park:
Question 16 - Nature Play / Exploration : Very Important
Question 18 - Write in: "We need abundant nature at this park, and Davenport Park, for all to connect to, for climate change resilience, and to improve our native ecosystems."
*Also consider adding:
"Add interpretive signage, and nature exploration features (such as observation binoculars) at the Marina and at Davenport Park."
Doyle Hollis Park:
Question 25 - Write in: "We need abundant nature at this park, for all to connect to, for climate change resilience, and to improve our native ecosystems."
Doyle Mini St. Park
Question 32 - Write in:"We need abundant nature at this park, for all to connect to, for climate change resilience, and to improve our native ecosystems."
*Also consider adding:
"Move and expand the fence to include the existing nature along Doyle St."
"Reduce concrete."
Stanford Park:
Question 37 - Nature Play / Exploration : Very Important
Question 39 - Write in: "We need abundant nature at this park for adults to connect to as well, to improve our native ecosystems, and for climate change resilience"
*Also consider adding:
"Reduce unused lawn area (dogs off leash do not count as proper use)."
"Consider a native garden."
"Consider closing Beaudry St. between park blocks to expand park area."
Temescal Creek Park:
Question 44 - Nature Play / Exploration : Very Important
Question 46 - Write in: "We need abundant nature at this park for adults to connect to as well, to improve our native ecosystems, and for climate change resilience"
*Also consider adding:
"Restore the creek above ground!"
Shorebird Park:
Question 51 - Landscaping/Rewilding : Very Important
Question 53 - Write in: "Remove invasive species and rewild / restore in a way that allows nature connection for all, rebuilds our native ecosystems, and provides climate resilience!"
*Also consider adding:
"Monitor water quality here and at all Emeryville beaches."
"More regularly remove trash,."